#include <libmame.h>
These are the configuration options for LibMame_RunGame. Defaults can be loaded by calling LibMame_Get_Default_RunGameOptions, and then customizations done before calling LibMame_RunGame with the resulting options.
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::art_path[1024] |
path to artwork files
enable automatic frameskip selection
automatically adjusts the speed of gameplay to keep the refresh rate lower than the screen
automatically rotate screen counterclockwise 90 degrees if vertical
automatically rotate screen clockwise 90 degrees if vertical
enable automatic save/restore at exit/startup
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::aviwrite_file[256] |
filename to write AVI movie of current game
default game screen brightness correction (0.1 - 2.0)
create burn-in snapshots for each screen
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::cheat_path[1024] |
path to cheat files
enable coin lockouts to actually lock out coins
directory to save debugger comments
default game screen contrast correction (0.1 - 2.0)
crop artwork to game screen size
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::crosshair_path[1024] |
path to crosshair files
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::ctrl_path[1024] |
path to controller definitions
enable/disable debugger
use the internal debugger for debugging
script for debugger
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::diff_directory[256] |
directory to save hard drive image difference files
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::effect[256] |
name of a PNG file to use for visual effects
generate an error.log file
enable cheat subsystem
convert lightgun button 2 into offscreen reload
specifies whether to use a natural keyboard or not
enable steadykey support
flip screen left-right
flip screen upside-down
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::font_path[1024] |
path to font files
set frameskip to fixed value, 0-10 (autoframeskip must be disabled)
default game screen gamma correction (0.1 - 3.0)
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::ini_path[1024] |
path to ini files
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::input_directory[256] |
directory to save input device logs
center deadzone range for joystick where change is ignored (0.0 center, 1.0 end)
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::joystick_map[32] |
explicit joystick map, or auto to auto-select
end of axis saturation range for joystick where change is ignored (0.0 center, 1.0 end)
directory to save memory card contents
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::mngwrite_file[256] |
filename to write MNG movie of current game
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::nvram_directory[256] |
directory to save nvram contents
amount to scale the screen brightness when paused (0.0 - 1.0)
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::playback_file[256] |
playback input file name
show only the disclaimer screen on startup
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::record_file[256] |
record output file name
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::rom_path[1024] |
path to ROMsets and hard disk images
rotate the game screen according to the game's orientation needs it
rotate screen counterclockwise 90 degrees
rotate screen clockwise 90 degrees
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::sample_path[1024] |
path to samplesets
set sound output sample rate
skip displaying the information screen at startup
enable sleeping, which gives time back to other applications when idle
directory to save screenshots
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::snapsize[16] |
specify snapshot/movie resolution (<width>x<height>) or 'auto' to use minimal size
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::snapview[64] |
specify snapshot/movie view or 'internal' to use internal pixel-aspect views
enable sound output
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::special_bios[64] |
select a special system BIOS to use
controls the speed of gameplay, relative to realtime; smaller numbers are slower
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::state[1024] |
saved state to load
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::state_directory[256] |
directory to save states
enable throttling to keep game running in sync with real time
keep calling video updates while in pause
enable backdrops if artwork is enabled and available
enable bezels if artwork is enabled and available
enable overlays if artwork is enabled and available
enable the use of external samples if available
use antialiasing when drawing vectors
set vector beam width
set vector flicker effect
display additional diagnostic information
sound volume reduction in decibels (-32 min, 0 max)
char LibMame_RunGameOptions::wavwrite_file[256] |
filename to write WAV file of current game